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The content, materials, and various articles, news, opinions, or views (collectively referred to as "Information"), found within this website are exclusively intended for informational purposes and general distribution. They do not take into account the specific goals, financial circumstances, or individual needs of any particular person. It is crucial to understand that the Information should not be regarded as an offer, invitation to offer, solicitation, recommendation, or commitment to engage in any transaction. Please note that the content on this website is not authorized for public use and is exclusively designed for recipients who typically fall under the categories of 'qualified', 'professional', 'sophisticated', 'accredited', and 'institutional' investors.

This content on this webpage is not meant for individuals located or residing in regions where the dissemination of such information is restricted or unauthorized.

Please note that past performance does not necessarily indicate future results.

Eastern Epic Capitals Pte Ltd (“EEC”) will not assume liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, losses, expenses, or costs of any nature that may arise in connection with your use of this website or reliance on any Information, regardless of the form of action, even if EEC has been advised about the possibility of such damages, losses, expenses, or costs.

By accessing this website, you hereby agree to indemnify EEC and hold them harmless against any damages, losses, expenses, and costs (including legal fees) incurred or suffered by EEC in connection with or arising from: (i) your usage of this website, (ii) another party's use of this website, or (iii) your violation of any of these Terms and Conditions.

This website is subject to international copyright laws and various other intellectual property rights, all of which are reserved. No part of the information contained in this website, any section thereof, or accompanying documents may be wholly or partially redistributed, stored in a retrieval system, modified, linked, republished, uploaded, transmitted by any electronic or mechanical means, or reproduced by photocopying, recording, or any other method without the prior express written consent of EEC.

The names, logos, or identifying marks pertaining to EEC's products and services are exclusive trademarks and service marks of EEC and cannot be utilized in any manner without the express prior written consent of EEC.

EEC will gather personal information from you when you inquire about or apply for information regarding any of the Funds. Your personal data will be used to consider and manage your application, assessing whether you should receive information regarding the relevant Fund. Your information may also be shared with our affiliated entities to provide information about products and services that they believe may be of interest to you. EEC will disclose your data to other legal authorities if mandated by law. Only authorized personnel will be granted access to your personal information. You are entitled to request that EEC correct or delete any information that you believe is inaccurate or outdated.

Privacy Policy

This Data Protection Policy sets out how your personal data will be managed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “Act”), which strives to protect personal data of individuals. Please read this Data Protection Policy so that you know and understand the purposes for which we may collect, use, and/or disclose your personal data. If you do not agree with this policy, please stop the access of this website with immediate effect.


You agree and consent to Eastern Epic Capitals Pte Ltd (the “Company”), as well as our authorized service providers and relevant third parties, collecting, using, disclosing, and/or sharing your personal data in the manner set forth in this Data Protection Policy.


This Data Protection Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace any other consents which you may have previously provided to us, nor does it affect any rights that we may have at law in connection with the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal data. We may from time to time update this Data Protection Policy to ensure that this Data Protection Policy is consistent with our business purpose and/or any changes in legal or regulatory requirements.


For the avoidance of doubt, this Data Protection Policy forms a part of the terms and conditions governing your relationship with us and should be read in conjunction with such terms and conditions. The Company processes your personal data which you had previously provided through contact with the Company, our authorized service providers, and relevant third parties.


Personal data

Personal Data refers to any data or information about you from which you can be identified either (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which the Company has or is likely to have access. Personal data collected from you includes but is not limited to: (i) full name; (ii) NRIC, passport, or other identification number; (iii) contact details (i.e. address, telephone number, e-mail address); (iv) nationality / place of birth; and (v) other information relating to you as furnished to us in any forms you may have submitted to us, or in other forms of communication with you.

Purposes of collection, use, and disclosure


The Company collects, uses, and/or discloses your personal data, including any additional information you may subsequently provide, for the following purposes: (a) processing of your subscriptions and investments in the fund(s); (b) completing the information on the register of shareholders of the fund(s); (c) carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiries; (d) dealing in any other matters relating to your account and holdings; (e) forming part of the records of the recipient as to the business carried on by it; (f) observing any legal, governmental, or regulatory requirements of any relevant jurisdiction; (g) satisfying the Company’s responsibility relating to client due diligence requirements; and; (h) other purposes, directly or indirectly relating to any of the above and the Company’s activities. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Purposes”).

Where you have specifically provided us with consents, the Company may also collect, use, and/or disclose for providing a database to enable the Company to evaluate the suitability of other products and services and to thereafter dispatch information on other products or services to you.

Disclosure of personal data


Your personal data may be disclosed to the Company’s other delegates, duly appointed agents, and other service providers of the Company (and any of their respective related, associated, or affiliated companies or sub-delegates) and third parties, including advisers, regulatory bodies, taxation authorities, auditors, technology providers for the Purposes specified above. Further, your personal data may be transferred to locations outside Singapore.

Use of Cookies


When you visit or interact with the websites and services of the Company and/or its authorized service providers, the Company and/or its authorized service providers may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies for collecting, processing, and storing information about how you use the websites and services in order to improve the quality of service provided to you and to provide you with a better, faster, and safer web experience. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.

Retention Period


The Company and its service providers will not keep Personal Data for longer than is necessary for the Purposes. In determining appropriate retention periods, the Company and its service providers shall have regard to the Personal Data Protection Act and any other applicable legislative data protection provisions and any statutory obligations to retain information, including anti-money laundering, counterterrorism, tax legislation. The Company and its service providers, where applicable, will take all reasonable steps to destroy or erase the data from its/their systems when such data is no longer required.

Access and correction of your personal data


You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide is accurate, complete, and not misleading and up to date. You may access and request for correction of your personal data by contacting our Data Protection Officer at: The Company reserves its rights to refuse to comply with your request for access or correction to your personal data under the Act, and if the Company refuses to comply with such request, you will be informed of such refusal and the reason for the same.

Withdrawal of consent


If you wish to withdraw your consent to any use or disclosure of your Personal Data as set out in this Data Protection Policy, you may contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to: Please note that if you withdraw your consent to any or all use or disclosure of your Personal Data (other than for purposes of direct marketing), the Manager may not be able to process your personal data for all of the Purposes.

Further Information


If you have any questions about this data protection notice or the operation of the Company's data protection policy, please contact

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